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While we had to postpone our Holiday Fun'Raiser,
we now have a new location and date!

If you purchased tickets, please check your email. We sent one out on January 3rd that contains further information. It also contains a survey asking if you and your guests can still make it on our new date.
Thank you to everyone for purchasing tickets and being so flexible with the last minute postponement.
We also want to thank our amazing sponsors for the event.
Angela Aloise
Tracy Amiral
The Bodega Bay Grange
Bodega Bay Lodge
Terry & Joanne Dale
First Republic Bank
Gentle Yoga
Ginochio’s Kitchen
Gourmet au Bay
Grocery Outlet of Santa Rosa
HopMonk Tavern
Horse N Around
The Inn at the Tides
Lunardi’s Markets
The New Sea Angler
The Palace Hotel
Pelican Plaza Delicatessen and Market
Paul & Diane Perry
Suzanne Martin
Porto Bodega Marina
Raymond’s Bakery
Redwood Empire Food Bank
Reel Magic
Ren Brown Art Gallery
Bob and Bobbi Ritchie
Secret Gardens
Julie Schneider
Silverado Resort and Spa
Sonoma Coast Vineyards
Spud Point Crab Company
UC Davis Bodega Marine Lab
Valley Ford Creamery and Cheese
Jean and Philip Warren
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